
" Paradise on my right, Hell on my left, and the Angel of Death behind."

-Frank Herbert, DUNE.

Nov 26, 2011


IT'S sad that I've left graal after all these months of finding glitches. Not many people read this any more, so those who do, please spread the word! I'm not quitting. I'm just playing another game called "The world of Magic". I play on the Turtlez server, with one of three names: Ged, Lyle, or Silius (gonna change to sylius soon).
 Also, watch fooly cooly episodes 1-6. Great anime, but it makes no sense. Download all six episodes a here. It's a torrent, so use a Torrent client like  BitTorrent to download it. You will end up with six .mkv files each one being an episode. Each file contains the video, two audio channels (Default is japanese, other is english), and english subtitles. I recomend watching them with VLC media player. Once you open a file with it, press 'a' until the aspect ratio is 4:3. Then 'b' to switch audio to english. Then  in video menu, disable subtitles (or, if you would like to understand it a bit better, don't (there really is no point in changing it to english. It makes the same amount of sense in english) ). Then press 'f' to put it in fullscreen and center the picture.  φ

Sep 18, 2011


This is for status and guild news.
OK, so everybody should know by now how to make transparent backgrounds. But is what I did was figure out how to make any color and set the transparency to that color!!!

Here is a table of the format:

R=red G=green B=blue A=alpha x=any character, they don't matter.
each of the values accepts 0-f (like hex). one thing to keep in mind is that the color for blue starts at 1 and goes up to f, where it loops back to 0, unlike green and red, which both start at 0. The higher the alpha value, the less transparent the color will be.

So, an example: #90f010f should make a almost completely opaque orange.


I found my old udid, and now I have Kurupt back!!! I would apriciate any recruits who want to join my guild. That's where all the action is happening! Just contact me, the leader of kurupt, for more info.

Sep 8, 2011


Good news! I got unbanned from my year long ban after only 321 days! I'm back now, with a few new glitches, and am looking to make a succesful guild. After I get unbanned for the month that I got banned for "Attempting to glitch currency and other fun stuff. Multiple acc." (wtf??? that was the ban reason...), I will be making my own guild. I also remembered my old 40 digit udid address, so I will be having my 2k hours and my old look with me! Just pm me if you have any ideas or anything that you would like to suggest, such as guild names (nothing with assasins, newbs, killing, or anything dorky).φ

Sep 5, 2011


Guys, (and gals), please don't be worried about me. I'm learning c++ and I'm have a surprise up my sleeve. I'm going to make an open source graal trainer. I can't tell you anymore until I get it made and get a licence for it, but it's going to be extremely powerful.

 This project will take me many months possible, and I need some coders who know c++. If you are willing to help, contact me at haxis@lavabit.com. I have a few ideas for it, although I probably won't make a gui for it unless somebody else wants to help me out.

 This will be my last thing I do with graal, and I will attempt to update the trainer once a month... I can't tell you much more, largely because of how early in design it is.

 I hope you all share your support with me and my soon to be development team.φ

Aug 26, 2011


I went to Cart'm yesterday and found a Super Nintendo! These systems were the penticle of retro gaming, the transition between blocky pixel graphics to smooth, life-like prerendered graphics. This system included games such as Super Mario World, Super Mario All-Stars, Super Metroid, And The Legend of Zelda, Link to the Past (Which Graal is based off of). Unfortunatly, the console came in very bad condition, with so called "Candle wax" (it feels, smells, looks, and tastes like grape juice...) spilled in and on the console.

 I have finally breached those super annoying security bits with melted pens and lighters (please leave a comment if you're wondering what I mean). I am now in the process  of refurbishing the god damn thing. I bought it for $8, and I'm not about to let that go to waste.

  If you want to play the real Graal, try Link to the Past.

Aug 6, 2011


IT feels as if I am quitting graal. I've been working on my NES rom archive, and if anybody is interested in it, I would be happy to email my archive to anybody.φ

Jul 24, 2011


IN my quest to learn C++, I have decided that having a few /talented/ programmers around to make a few packages to cheat Graal and further the development of reborn would be greatly appreciated. Anybody who knows, or is trying to learn, C++, C, Java, Flash, Perl, Python, or any other scripting language would be a great help to me.φ


I'VE not been on much lately because of some difficulties with my Linux computer, and the fact that I'm teaching myself C++! I'll be on more now that I have got this to work...φ

Jul 12, 2011


I got Graal Reborn running on linux using wine! Now I will start up again on my server. If you are interested in helping me with this, just email me with a subject of 'GAP' and a body telling me what time (either in UTC or pacific standard time).φ

Jul 10, 2011


IF you are emailing me to join my graal reborn server team, please have the subject "GAP". Thank you. Otherwise I may not see it.φ


I'M still playing graal! I recently formatted my hard drive, and forgot to backup a few files, so I lost nalin's relay. What do you people want me to do? I'm mostly working on linux right now, but I'll be back. φ

Jun 27, 2011


FINALLY, Joey's hosting is back up! Now anybody who wishes to join my server, figure out (by yourself or with somebody's help) how to get onto the graal reborn server haxis!φ

Jun 18, 2011


BECAUSE  of some other stuff that I have been working on (building a nice linux system), I have not been on much. Love yal... if somebody who is my friend sees this, email me!φ

May 30, 2011


I have just been hacking a bit. I think I will start targeting the graal online servers, try to get the npc server and gserver. I am currently building my Arch Linux system, so I won't be doing much. I fixed my ipod. I will get back onto graal at some point or another.φ

May 29, 2011


Many people may not know this, but I used to run a dual boot on my computer (linux  and windows xp). Due to how Winblows sucked (and still does), I was forced to learn how to use linux.

 The thing about linux is it's the hacker's OS. It's completely open source, and you can do so much more stuff with it in terms of hacking than you can do with windows (or mac).

Anyways, for those of you who are true hackers (probably none of you are) here is a simple guide for setting up your ipod to hack. I was too lazy to make one myself, so go ahead. Indulge. And please, this is for Hackers, not crackers.φ

May 28, 2011


If you are running 4.0.1 firmware or below, go here to jailbreak it.φ


I am going to do a dual boot on my ipod touch, so I can run 3.1.2 firmware (my favorite firmware) and 4.x (which seems to have some extra features). This will allow me to run so many more things, and guess what? I finally found how to get my old udid back!!! I will be on in about a day or so!

Then I will continue with the glitching.φ


THE hacker emblem is super stupid. It represents something called a glider, which is a spaceship in conway's game of life. here it is:
Hacker Emblem  

Now that sucks.

May 27, 2011


JUST a few months ago Dustin, a relative of mine burgalized my mother's house while she was in a Psychiatric Clinic, and stole tens of thousands of dollars worth of glass, crystal, and clay beads. I've been working on getting some legal evidence against him, (he doesn't even deny it over the phone). The police won't do anything until we get some proof that it was him (we absolutely know it was him). It's because of people like him that babies die and kittens get mauled by bears (to put it in nicer language than I could...).

 There are some people who are nice though. Just today, during a visit with my mom (two hours every two weeks, I don't live with her), we went to the Juan de Fuca fair, and bough one elephant ear, half of it Cinnamon, the other half with strawberries and whipped cream. We were in a hurry, because the two hours were almost up, and the visits are supervised. After five minutes the cook (a womain in her late 50's, gray hair, looked a bit native), brought up to ears and gave them to us. At first, I thought she had misheard our order, but she simply said "I miss my boys too", and gave them to us for free!

 It was one of the most thoughtful things I have seen somebody do. If only we had more people like that in the world. φ

May 26, 2011


"I don't play baby games like graal anymore anyway. <3"
I assume this is from iPepsi. It's a comment he left in one of my posts. The turquoise color I'm using is simple relief. I know why he quit. I have almost quit too. After his blog, and all of his dissing of me, for some reason I don't feel like he made a big contribution to the hacking community of graal. In fact, I would rank him way down there on the list, mainly due to how he wasn't afraid of giving out everything that he heard, and how he acted (god, can't he just man up? He always argues.).

 To celebrate him quitting, the 28th will be "Everybody Loves Graal" day, and "Graal is Awesome" day. I know that many of you felt the loss of him more than I have, and some will probably hate me because the enemy of your friend is your enemy... but seriously, did he actually do anything on his own? Right now that's the stumper of the week. φ


SORRY about the recent downtime. I've finally got accepted at 0000free.com (wow, it's amazing), and switched the domain handler do hicky over to it so that I can manage it all from there. I will now begin creating an file hosting for all of you people, and a forum or something for hacking graal (it will be on forums.haxis.tk), and I will set up a team of people who are good hackers (especially one that specialize in remote access attacks, I would really like to develop a system for stealing servers, or getting rc access to them).

Not much else is going on... so Just be patient! I will work my hardest to find some new glitches for iGraal, but I have been working on some other stuff.

 I also am changing my colors to something else than red, now that EHID is officially over!φ


THIS blog has been hacked.φ

May 25, 2011


Ahhh, finally I have come up with an explanation of my infamous hour glitch. After extensive research, and then talking to a friend of mine who is extremely good with computers (and hacking), I believe I have found the answer to all of our questions.

 The glitch is called a buffer overflow. This is caused when you put something more (or unexpected) in something than it is designed for. For example, a programmer may set the maximum characters for a username to 256. If you put in more characters, say, 1000, and include a script or something similar in those 1000 characters, something will happen due to the inability for the program to handle that many characters.

 With the hour glitch, setting your guild tag would put letters in your name, but the word filter would change http to ****. This in turn would make it so that your guild tag was not set (because you needed to have your rank set, and if it wasn't correct, you wouldn't be wearing your guild tag), and then you could do it over and over, until a buffer overload occurred.

 The limit is most likely a built-in nickname limit of 256 characters, and so this would work on all servers, given you had a way to set your nick to more characters than that. This is a huge security threat to graal, as somebody could potentially get RC rights for any server, if they knew how to do some scripting and took the time to figure out how to use this correctly.

 I would be very happy if somebody was willing to try some of this out for me. The built in limit is most likely 256 characters, and then there are limits imposed by other means which can obviously be bypassed. This could lead to endless exploits, maybe even getting our hands on the current gserver (for all of you graal reborn addicts)! I'll be working on this for a long time.

 I am thinking of creating a graal hacking team (like hardcore attacking hacking), one that will try to do some high profile shit... if you are interested, contact me at haxis@lavabit.com φ


WOW. After searching for an adequate web hosting service, I finally found one that I liked (pain in the ass to sign up though... more of that later). I got 50webs working, and boy am I happy. The free hosting is great, and the control panel looks pretty advanced. I also signed up at VeeServe, which is the same web hosting that graal reborn uses, and it seems to work just fine (go to haxis.tk to see what I'm currently hosting on it). I'm not sure what I'm going to use this stuff for, but I'm sure it will be of some use. φ


Have any of you had anybody in your life that could do things that you couldn't explain? I'm talking psychic type of unexplainable. Like my [dead] grandma Judi. She always knew when something was wrong, or when I was going to do something stupid (she would always tell me to think before I did whatever she thought was stupid. I never listened, although more often then not she turned out to be right). She had a nack for telling what the weather was going to be at any given time of the day (this was from skill, not psychic ability, I'm sure), and could tell when somebody was hurt.

 I never thought of these to be anything special until about a year ago, when, at age 68 she was on her death bed, dying of liver failure. The nurse who was taking care of her (it was too late to get a transplant) was named Sarah. A week before Judi died, she asked for Rosa. When the nurse came in, Judi said "Rosa, can I have a drink?". Sarah patiently explained that her name was Sarah, thinking that Judi was going nuts or something.

Judi: Your name's Rosa
Sarah: It's Sarah...
Judi: No, It's Rosa.
Sarah: ...
Judi: Don't lie to me.
Sarah: Maybe you should get some sleep...

The whole time Judi had her warm smile on, it wasn't creepy or anything, just kinda weird.

White faced, she stalked out of the bedroom, looking close to what I would think somebody would after seeing a ghost.

 Later, after Judi was asleep, I asked Sarah what all that was about, and why she had reacted like she had.. She explained how she was adopted very young out of her family, and her original name was Rosa, but her new parents decided to rename her. She said that she had never told anybody this, and was very surprised about Judi knowing her name, and asked me if I knew anything about it. φ


It turns out that the 25 was today, which is really close! So, today is the real every1 hates iPepsi day!!! If you really wanna piss him off, pm him 'I love you'! Spam on his blog on how you wanna have sex with him (actually, don't... that could be considered as sexual harassment... I don't want to be responsible for any lawsuits)!

 In another mood, I will soon be giving my 10k views reward out! But I need help!!! IDK what to give out! Post comments giving me ideas. It will be something huge, so go ahead and what you can come up with.

May 24, 2011


Due to my anticipation, I Hate Ipepsi Day has been rescheduled, it will now be today AND tomorrow! For each day, I will have a quote on hate. These quotes oddly relate to iPepsi extremely well...

 Today's quote relates to how iPepsi wants everything that I know, and therefore hates me, because he cannot get it.φ


I now own haxis.tk! I will eventually set it up where I have multiple websites. Here is what it will look like:
Domain                Purpose
www.haxis.tk       Links to all of the other domains
blog.haxis.tk        This will be my blog.
fenix.haxis.tk        This will have files and the such. Anything that I might want to put on here will go on here.
listserver.haxis.tk  This will be my own list server for graal reborn.
hosting.haxis.tk     This will my own hosting service! Backup for when joey's is down.

After I get all of that set up, I will work on some glitches for you people.φ


Here is something good: what would you give for a gralat glitch? How would a gralat glitch change graal (assuming that it wasn't patched in the first day)? Would you want to have the gralat glitch, or have it actually be real? This is just a conversation starter. Seeing what you guys think (and gals).φ

May 23, 2011


I spent a bit of time cleaning up the look to my blog, nothing major, but I added a poll page that lists the outcomes of polls that my blog has hosted, I've removed some of the older polls, added a quote to the top of the page, and a few other things.


I have alloted the 25 day of every month "I hate iPepsi day"! On this day feel free to harass him however you want! Spam him, call him a newb, mass report him for no reason (or any reason you feel like!), randomly pk him, start anti iPepsi riots, whatever you can think of!
  I won't be participating because I don't mind him (too much anyways).

 To keep you people from thinking I'm a hypocrite, the first day of every month is "I hate Fenix day"! It's just like IHID, except

  1. You will be hating me, and
  2. Nobody will say anything cause you all love me (I hope...)


Golly, I forgot everybody doesn't know this! For any major hacker (or glitcher), messing around a little bit can become a nightmare (the type where you can't log on). But you can wake up, and smell the fresh pixely horse manure (those horses suck btw).

 To get unbanned from graal you will need a few things. First, you will need UDIDFaker. You will also need to sign up to a vpn provider (vpn.torvpn.com works, although they are very slow). After you get both of these things, all you have to do is confirm the email (from signing up with torvpn), and then go into the settings for your ipod, then general>network>vpn. connections (or something like that...). then Create a new pptp vpn connection (make sure it is pptp). Put vpn.torvpn.com as the provider (or ip address or something... haven't done it in a while). Then put your user name and password for torvpn that you signed up with.

 All you have to do is enable the vpn, and CHANGE YOUR UDID and you are unbanned :). Just be sure to change your UDID or else you will be banned again. I suggest having a special UDID for this, and only use that UDID when the vpn is on, so that they won't be able to connect you to your normal account. Also don't be stupid and use a vpn to do stupid stuff after you are banned (unless you use the vpn when you are glitching, so that only the vpn ip address will get logged/banned).

 Use this wisely. And don't abuse your power.

This is part of the surprise that I said you would get when my blog reaches 10,000 views!


Finally! After about an hour of trying to get this to work, I have changed my domain name for my blog from kuruptgraal.blogspot.com to blog.haxis.tk! Please use this new address, as the old one will soon enough stop redirecting you! At one point or another I will create fenix.haxis.tk, which will be a website of anything graal... I'm not 100% sure what it will be about, but it will have things to download (I will host large files for all of you pc-graal people), and will have advertisements for guilds and anything else I can think of (or you think of).

Feedback people! For those that are too lazy to post a comment, I have two polls on the rightside of the page that you can vote on.

May 22, 2011


GOD. I am starting to wonder why I even ask questions on this blog for you- the readers. It seems that I never get any answers, and when I do, it is a mediocre answer at the best.

 Anyways, I have configured my email for my server. I have two emails right now: haxis@lavabit.com, and fenix@lavabit.com. Haxis is the email for my server, and any emails sent to this server will be relayed to the email of ever other staff of haxis. Fenix is my personal email (omg, Phoenix is my real name! Go figure...). You can email me if you have anything personal. Otherwise, email haxis.

  To upload a hat/shield/sword, simply email an attachment with the subject "Upload Hat", "Upload Shield" or "Upload Sword" (please, post a comment which explains a better subject for each one of these, but I don't want "Shield Submission", cause that will take too long to type in and there will be too many typos).

 I'm still looking for staff members for haxis, if anybody is interested (nobody seems to be, but I will ask every post anyways) email me at haxis@lavabit.com.

 Omg, I'm watching the movie Wanted, and I got to the part where the main character kills his dad :( wtf is wrong with people... he should havve figured this out beforehand and kicked all of their asses!

UPDATE: I do not have fenix@lavabit.com. It appears it was taken, so just email me at haxis...


Hello people! In order to make my blog easier to access, I have registered a domain name! The domain name is blog.haxis.tk . If you want to go to my website, simply type blog.haxis.tk into your url bar and you will go straight to my website!


FINALLY! I have found a decent name for myself that isn't used all over the web! The new name will be Fenix, which, btw, is old French for (you guessed it) Phoenix! Anybody who sees this must know that I will be going by Fenix from now on, so all of my things will be changed! Feedback would be great. If you have a better name, go ahead and tell me it.

May 20, 2011


Ok, Joey's hosting has been down for several days, and so I have decided that I should be hosting my own server for free (I hope).

I have a few obstacles I must overcome in order to do this. First, I have to find a good web hosting service. 50webs? Have any of  you faithful (and not so faithful) readers out there hosted your own website? Any opinions? If anybody is willing to do some additional research for me, that would be a hit.

 I could ask joey for his hosting source code, but I'm close to 100% sure that he wouldn't share it with me, for fear that I would make a better hosting site... Which makes me sad, because graal reborn was based of off open source code, but some of it requires using things like joey's hosting, which I do not believe is open source.

 After all of my hard work with iGraal, I have decided that it would just be easier to lay off for a while. Right now I'm super tired (it's midnight) and so I'm not thinking completely straight, so I'm going to post something that has a bit more relevance tomorrow.

Good night people!


I am looking for smart, talented, hard-working persons to hire for my Graal reborn server. If you have any special skills (gs1 scripting, levels, graphics, etc.), then you could help with creating a potentially Graal-saving server (though I admit it's not likely).

 If you are interested email me at haxis@lavabit.com with an example of your work, and anything else that you would want to tell me.

 Please see the page Labled HAXIS in the pages tab for more information on staff openings etc.


HEY EVERYBODY! I recently changed my blog color from green to blue, due to the ugliness of the color and the fact that blue is my favorite color. Hope everybody Likes it. Amazingly, my blog views are doing fine, with my absence and everything, although the amount of posted comments are nearly zip, which tells me that most of my visitors are on my blog because my page rank.

 I would be happy to answer any questions you happen to post. But please, DO NOT email me the questions. Everybody should be able to see them, and haxis@lavabit.com is only used for server related stuff. Anyways, when my blog reaches 10k views, I'll try to find a surprise for everybody! Not sure what it will be yet, but I'll be thinking about it.

May 19, 2011


Summer... the thing that we all yearn for on a Thursday of particularly long weeks. And just a few more weeks and I will be out of school for the summer! You may not know what that means, so here's a shakedown: Sun (good ol' Sol), sunburns, swimming, tree climbing, and (wait for the suspense to burst your bladder...), Mucho graal hacks and productions from me going into hyperdrive!

 I have ADHD, so I need to constantly be working on something, otherwise I get bored easily. Especially while sitting in my house. This is where Graal comes to the frigging rescue: I am working on a server, and might (or might not) work on some iGraal hacks! I will also be looking for staff members for my server (let's see if we can actually create a successful Graal Reborn server...). I need LATs (Level Admin Team) and NATs (NPC Admin Team). Email me at haxis@lavabit.com if you are interested. /YOU MUST HAVE A PC/ to help with my server (sorry all of you iPod lubbers... no reborn RC client for the iPod).

 Ok, on another note, I've been thinking about making a Graal community centered around bugs/hacks for the original Graal and iGraal. I would need somebody to host it, and with my limited knowledge of HTML and [nonexistent] knowledge of CSS, I would appreciate anybody who wants to contribute time and know-how for this to actually happen.

 As for iPepsi, I think he's spazzing due to the lack of me sharing with him (for good reasons though... anybody remember my hour glitch? How about the gani warp?). I really don't care what he thinks about me. And just to answer the question that iPepsi asked in his blog "What has R0B0 done?", I say to you: Remove the larger speck from thy eye before removing the speck from your brothers. Really iPepsi? You seem like a hypocrite. I'm not going to be a total clit ring and explain how you haven't done much of anything for graal... I'm better than that. And you.

May 9, 2011


Hey, sorry guys for making my blog private... you know how things are. I made a graal reborn server called Haxis. It's currently hiring. email me at haxis@lavabit.com for more info.

Apr 16, 2011


Sorry guys if I haven't been posting that often. I am creating a glitching guide, as an ender to my graal career. I will be quitting soon, and I want everybody to see what I have done. So wait just a few more weeks...

Apr 11, 2011


I have switched to lavabit, the best email provider  in the world. My new email is haxis@lavabit.com. Please email this accoun if you have any questions.

Apr 7, 2011


This is a sad day. I just realized why I looked so much like a fag. My old hat is missing, and isn't sold anymore. So i have to make due with those hats that came from mediocre artists. If anybody would like to help me, feedback: sell the gangsta hat again!


Finally... I have found a new name! This name will be used unless the amount of people commenting on here that liked R0B0G3N3S1S more than Haxis exceeds those who like Haxis more. Sorry about not posting... but being banned for a year makes it a tad hard to find new glitches. I may start making video tutorials explaining some basic glitches that everybody should know. Nothing to show off my epic skillz or anything, but to teach people how to do it more efficiently.

Apr 4, 2011



Apr 3, 2011



Mar 31, 2011


That's right- I'm back and better than ever. A gralat glitch was recently discovered. Will not release any information on it when I find it. Btw i Lost my old account. Pm me to see my new house.

Mar 22, 2011



Feb 27, 2011


I am currently looking for secondary authors for my blog- you will be able to post and pretty much everything. I am doing this to keep my blog alive, since I am banned and unable to find any new glitches. Please note that I will back up my blog to prevent people from destroying it. I'll except five applicants. Simply post a comment on this using your blogger acc and I will make you an author! EDIT: I NEED YOUR EMAIL TO ADD YOU AS AN AUTHOR


R0B0G3N3S1S here- the recent post from nyn has told me that as long as I do not post any tutorials on this blog it should be OK. And be aware that any glitches that I post on here I would be happy to explain to any Graal staff, if they contact me through their graalonline email. My email is r0b0g3n3s1s@gmail.com be aware that the 0's are zeroes not o's.

Feb 23, 2011


Well, I finally found why i was banned- it was because of this blog. Now it is all gone. I agree to follow the rules of graal, and not post or find hacks or glitches. I hope I get unbanned for doing this.

Feb 20, 2011


OMFG! I was banned for a year now because of "hacking", but i didn't even do anything... why was i banned??? I would like to speak to a staff member.

Feb 19, 2011


The most important thing you do with an ipod is what you do AFTER you jailbreak it. This is a guide to things you must do after you Jailbreak it.

First, be sure that you are downgraded to 3.1.3 software. To do this, simply download the 3.1.3 software by clicking  here, then put your ipod into restore mode, and on iTunes hold down shift while pressing restore. Select the file you downloaded, and then follow all the instructions. Then jailbreak it using this program.

Feb 15, 2011


The iPod can be an extremely powerful hacking device if used correctly. Of course, very few people realize this, and end up spending $500 on a brand new laptop, just so that they can hack a WEP password or inject packets into a network, when they could just use the iPod touch to do all these things!!! The best site I have found on what to install and how to use it is http://www.hitb.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=24843&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 . This site has plenty of information, along with a brief tutorial on how to install and run everything. But beware, you must know how to use MobileTerminal! The first thing I have to recommend to everybody who uses iFile: download MobileTerminal! It's much more powerful, and you can use it for more than just file management.  I know a little bit about using the terminal, but not too much. I would greatly enjoy taking lessons from somebody who uses Linux frequently or who just randomly knows how to use the terminal for their own purposes.

Feb 13, 2011


This is all the packets that I have installed on my ipod. If you want them, then save this text to var/mobile in your ipod via SSH. Save it as cydiabkup.txt, then in terminal run the following command in terminal as root:

 dpkg --set-selections < cydiabkup.txt
then type
apt-get dselect-upgrade


This is something that is very frustrating. I was playing graal right, and I went into the town square from my house. I was making a party at my house, and just saying come to my Party house in CAPS. Then, for no reason, I was disconnected for "bug abuse". WTF. I was banned for two weeks. For absolutely no reason. I hadn't hacked or done any glitches for several days, and none of them worthy of getting banned because of it. If anybody such as staff or somebody who can ask staff why I was banned, I would be very happy. Please post a comment explaining why it was that I am banned for TWO WEEKS.

Feb 7, 2011


A few days ago I met Mark- your average graal player who has found a way to hack and add custom weapons. He can use a tailor command to wear any head or body he wants, and has the ability to drop gralats. After a brief conversation, and me helping him (kind of) with a hack, he decided to let me in on the secret. It is: A SECRET :p. However, I am having trouble with it. It's a bit technical, and my computer version is newer than the software is meant to be run on, so I encounter a few errors. One of the cool things that I have been working on is learning GS2, the script that graalonline uses. If I can get the above hack working, I'll make a box that gives out free admin bombs, probably with the following script:
function onPlayerTouchsMe()

This will make anything that I attach it to lay a joltbomb when somebody touches it. I learned this script from somebody, but I will not mention his name for fear that he may get into trouble if I do. OK? Good. Now, I would enjoy teaching some scripting to you people, just leave a comment saying so and I will attempt to explain some of the basics. I would also appreciate if anybody would mind teaching me a bit of script.

Jan 29, 2011


Here is something that I have suggested- locked gralats! Now, this has probably been made in response to the warp hack, to prevent people from stealing gralats even if they do manage to get into a farm! This has lowered player's suspicion of other people, and they are now welcoming farmers to their houses. Unaware that there is a glitch to pick up locked gralats. I am currently looking for this glitch, as I believe it's a prime opportunity for glitching. I believe that there could be glitches that come off of this glitch- for example, locking a gralat outside of your house. Currently, I have not found this glitch, and I invite anybody to help me find it.

Jan 28, 2011


There was a new script enabled on the server that alerts staff whenever somebody puts a URL in there guild rank. This is how adminastrators found and patched my guild delete, sword spin, and many of the hour glitches. My friend, Ok4y, is an everwind scripter, so he has been helping me with this, giving me a bit of information here and there. He explained that it was possible to put script on furniture, but when he tried he determined that there was a filter to stop such scripting. He said that he could bypass by changing the furniture class. Any ways, if anybody is pro at scripting, and wants to take a crack at this, I invite you to go ahead and try.

Jan 26, 2011


The guild delete is not patched- just i don't know how I did it. I'll figure it out sooner or later.

Jan 25, 2011


I found a new glitch- the sword spin! It makes it so that when you double tap your sword button, you spin, like what your character does when your looking at your profile! Such a simple glitch... but i think it lasts forever. So, if you want it done to you message me in the game. Your welcome! Note: I don't have a way of undoing this, and it is a pain in the ass to spar with it and take forts. So THINK about it before you want me to do it to u.


The guild delete was probably accedently patched. It may have been because of the hour hack, or maybe because of of ipepsi's offline glitch. IDK. So sad. Anyways, I'm going to find a way around it. You can all help. I will need 3 people, each with 1500 hours or more to help me.

Jan 24, 2011


Finding a glitch usually is not the hard part. The hard part is figuring out how you did the glitch. A lot of my hour glitches, and guild delete glitches took me a long time to figure out how I did them, and the later one is still somewhat of a mystery.
 So, let's say that you figure something went whack in the game, such as you deleted your guild after messing with the hour glitch. First, you try doing what you think you did to make it happen again. Then, if it works, you record everything. Record where you are, what your name is, what you are wearing, the guild name, every single button you pushed, and how many times you pushed it. Record if you have GC enabled, if anybody is on the guild at the time that you deleted it. Then, tell a trusted friend how to do the glitch. If they can do it, then you found how to do the glitch.
 Your second job is to brainstorm. I found that once I log off and then back onto my acc, the guild was undeleted. So, I instantly thought "I can either clone guilds, steal them, or own two of them,". So I started brainstorming. While brainstorming, write down everything you think of. Gunderak found a glitch to just join somebody's guild, but he didn't know how he did it. What a shame. These two glitches would go perfectly together. Ok, so after brainstorming, I came up with the following: this glitch rocks!
 The very last job you need to do is the most important: keep it secret. If nobody knows about it, nobody will ask. Nobody asks, you won't snap under the pressure of people repeatedly bugging you about how you do it, and nobody else will know about the glitch! Good luck finding glitches, and please digg my site.


I thought I knew the guild delete glitch but I didn't. There's something that I am missing now that I was doing accidently before. Any ways, I'm unbanned, so I should be able to find what I was doing. The glitch is similar to the hour glitch, but different code and you have to add one little thing to it (and one more thing that I don't know). O well. Shouldn't take too long to figure out. Anyways, this glitch puts you offline, and I know that I did it right when I can actually see my profile and it says offline. So here's my best guess: I have to do the glitch, be offline, and then wait 20 minutes until I'm unbanned. The next post will be about how I find my glitches.


I have decided to release my glitch that lets you clone yourself once my main page gets 8 diggs. Click on the button to the left to digg my blog, and once I get eight you will have yourself a new glitch.

Jan 23, 2011


My page is getting less views than it used to. I have an idea to fix this. I need as many people as possible to digg, stumbleupon, and any other bookmarking sites to increase my pagerank. Thanks! give me lots of help.


This is just a reminder that I will link to any site that has to do with graalonline, but only if you link me back. This has several advantages:

  • You will get an increase in pagerank, so google will put you higher on the page.
  • You will receive traffic from my site. I get a few hundred views a day, it won't be wasted.
  • Your site will become well known.


I am currently searching for a hack on graalonline era that allows you to shoot big bullets in every direction and kill everybody. I'm not sure what the reward will be yet, but it will be something good. Email me at phoenix.cassidi.gillis@gmail.com com if you have any information about it.


Hey everybody should check this site out- http://graalonlinehax.blogspot.com/


Good news everybody! I only have about ten more hours of being banned on graalonline iphone! My udid ban is over, and tomarro I will be able to play classic again. I have decided to start recruiting people to my guild, but you cannot bug me about the glitches I find. AT ALL. It gets really annoying when people do that. Just post a comment asking to join, and I will let you in the guild. It's not really a glitching guild, but we might guild spar once in a while. I am now trying to get my eRPM back, which may take a while, considering how much money I was earning a day.


I found a new glitch on era! This is a glitch that is similar to the old one that was patched, but this one works. Is what it does is put a head into a car when somebody invites you, but you aren't actually in the car. It's a very simple glitch, and I'm surprised that staff hasn't thought of it yet. Any ways, I will release it as a challenge once somebody finds out challenge #1. Good luck, and know that I also found this glitch with luck (and some wisdom and common sense).

Jan 22, 2011


I need songs/artists ideas to put onto my blog so you can listen to them while reading. Any profanity, bad language, or just weirdness is welcome. I will make a few playlists for everybody to listen to. Thanks.


Whoever has been clicking on the ads a rediculous amount of times, stop. Google has made the eRPM $0 because of the eccesive amount of clicks. So now, instead of earning $5 a day, I earn 0. Thanks for commenting on this. But only click if you truly interested in an ad. Not to make me get more money (thanks for the thought though).


I put a music player on the bottom of the blog. Just so you can listen to music while reading my equally amazing posts of staff torment and money making (with some glitches put in there). Just pause it if you don't want to hear it.

Jan 21, 2011


I have decided to make a series of challenges for anybody who is serious about glitching graal online. These challenges will be rewarded somehow, I'm not sure how yet (maybe with gralats?) but I will find a way. These glitches will be minor, and therefore hard to find. All of them have been found by me, and I'm the only one who knows it. See the challenges page for the challenges.


It's funny- everybody thinks I'm insanely smart or something. I'm not. I'm just lucky. Not a genius. However, I do have a sense of what will go whack in graal. Because of this I have found the hour glitch, guild delete, offline glitch, and many others, a few of them being bad enough that they got patched. I have learned a few things since then. Like now I have enough knowledge and logic to figure out why and how a glitch works. This is very important, because often there will be a better glitch that you can find if you know how it all works.
 For instance, I found out how to get out of jail (got patched). Maybe I can find out how to get out of jail without doing what I had to do. Any ways, I'm going to post a guide to how  to find glitches on graal, or any game.


It's a  crying shame that I can't do this on era. There are so many guilds that I want, that other people have on era. O well. Anyways, I have been speculating about the guild delete and this is what I have come up with. First there can't be anybody in the guild with there tag on. And second the guild delete only lasts as long as you don't restart graal. So, it should be possible to own a second guild, Make another person own your guild along with you (less likely :(...) and, I can steal guilds. Maybe.I haven't tried making a guild once my guild was deleted, but I have a feeling it will be very sweet. I'm ecstatic that I found it. - O and thank you the 1% of you who have clicked on ads. Every click gives me $0.50! Thanks again. I would appreciate anybody else who wants to click


I have decided to start making shields for people. Below is an example of what I make. Just comment your gamername and the colors you want it and I'll make it for you.

Jan 19, 2011


This is amazing! My blog is less than a week old- just 6 days (see archive on bottom of page) and already I have a few loyal viewers! If only I had this many views on triond. I'd be rich by now. But at any rate, it seems that some people (special thanks to Lord Bryson) do not want me to abandon this blog. I'm not sure why they don't want me to. But considering how fast I got views, it seems that they really like my blog! And they are spreading the news. I am excited to see that so many people take interest in the glitches I find. I may not quit graal- especially if the guild delete works on era. O and I can be invincible on era! Again, if you don't want to say the insanely long URL for this site, an alternate one is WWW.KURUPTED.TK  Just type that in and you will go to my site. Currently I can't find my site on Google, which is a shame, but if you would like to be helpful just link from your blog to my page. I'll have a page that links to people's website that links to mine. φ


I''m now permanently udid banned from graal. Or so I think. It really sucks. Because they don't sell the fedora hat any more (the one that is a gangster hat in era). And it seems they ban people who use udidfaker. Comment on that, because I'm not so sure about it. But anyways, I'm going out with a boom. Here's my boom : I found a glitch to delete guilds without being the leader. And since it is only temporary, I can clone a guild. I also found how to get past the force recruit glitch patch (if only admins would ask, I'd probably tell them it...). So, until I get a new ipod and change my ip address, I won't be on much. Oh, and two more things. First, I'm not quitting this blog unless nobody comments and tells me not to quit it within the next week. Second, I'm releasing the guild delete glitch once this blog gets 5k views. That's a lot. Hopefully by then, staff will realize that I can help them with the one big error I found in their server. I can do whatever I want. However, I CANNOT UNBAN MYSELF. That means, that unless I get unbanned, your server will have a very big glitch in it. And it will stay there. Because you won't find it. Nor will anybody else. This is supposed to make any staff agitated, but it's not a fake glitch. I did it to one guy's guild. If he sees this post then I would like him to comment.
 Anyways, goodbye, and keep advertising my blog ;) φ QUOTE FOR STAFF:
Power Corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
-Lord Action

Stewart's Law of Retroaction from Murphy's Law, Book Two:
It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

“Be suspicious of anything that works perfectly - it's probably because two errors are canceling each other out”

-Dave Bartley


I have decided to do something extra. Every 500 views I get on this page I will post another glitch tutorial. This will keep traffic coming into my blog, and keep all of you up to date with the latest hacks  and glitches. Expect very complicated glitches though, cause I will post some of the best. O and if you are going to advertise this site on graal, I have made a short URL: www.kurupted.tk just say to got there for glitches and the such. I will also post small tricks and glitches for every five votes I get on the poll to the right. φ


This is not a very useful glitch, but it is possible to warp people on your roof, or trap newbs with this glitch. You need 10 or more boxes to do it (less will work but you won't go very far).

  1.  Lay down every box, each in a different square.
  2.  Make each box movable.
  3.  Put each of the movable boxes in the same spot.
  4.  Pull the box. You will appear a far ways away from the box, which only moved one square.
This works because each box sends a request to the server to move you one square. If ten of them do it at the same time, you will move ten squares. Simple as that. This glitch can be used to warp people on top of the roof in a house. φ

Jan 18, 2011


I just got my 300th page view! This is very exciting, as one person already follows me. Makes me smile inside. I hope that you stay loyal and check this blog often, as I will constantly update it. I have also made a blog about my life, titled Life of a Troubled Child, if you want to take a look at it, I'd be overjoyed. Don't be afraid to Digg or use other bookmarking websites to bookmark this site, as I want as many views as possible. φ


Here's a real bummer. Gunderak, one of my friends found a glitch to force join any guild. He was going to trade me, and he did. But it got patched because an administrator was listening to us talk. I was going to join Zanza and see what the Zanza room is like.
  One of the great things about this game is the ability to find glitches when you aren't looking for one. Like when I found the hour glitch. Or the offline glitch. Or any of the glitches I found.
  But of course, there are always those people out there who don't believe me when I say that the hour glitch is mine. This bugs me, because they are usually really bitter. Like chrismackle. If you see him, be sure to kill him a few times >:3.  Well, that's pretty much all I have to say, except for i don't have the slightest clue onto how I changed my IP address. If anybody can help me there, I would deeply appreciate it. Keep on brickin'. φ
  A note on my end mark. My name starts with a p, and as you can see , p and φ look similar. I think it looks quite good.

Jan 17, 2011


I knew it could only last so long- both my hour glitch and [RITCHCRAFT's] warp hack have been released. The warp has been patched- you get ip banned for 7 days if you do it. I'm not so sure about the hour glitch yet, as I am banned, and I am not completely sure exactly how i changed the ip address. O well. I will post any glitch you want, except for the hour glitch. Just put a request in the comments. φ


For some reason i got banned again... but only for 2 days. I think this is because of the auto detect, like what you get when you gmap. O well. I found out how to change my ip so I'm all good. If you need any help with this feel free to skype me at R0B0G3N3S1S.  I was banned because the 8-bit jump hack was patched. Too bad. φ


Finally! I finally figured out how to change my ip address... I'm so happy!!! I just have 6 hours of being jailed to live through... otherwise I'm pretty much out! Btw i was banned for life. φ

Jan 16, 2011


Here is a simple tutorial, the first one I will post on my blog. Nearly everybody knows this, including staff, so don't be saying stuff like how i gave away a glitch.
 1. Go to a spar arena.
 2. Sit still until it's your turn to spar
 3. Say "unstuck me". this will send you to the old unstick me place.
 4. Wait until you can move. If you hid under a bush when you are outside then your body will disappear, but  any writing you do will be visible.
  This is a totally useless glitch, but it should get some noobs into glitching. I'm just trying to insure the future of glitching. O, and now if you get ip banned you can't log onto any of the other servers or dinosmash etc. :( very sad I can't talk to any of my friends. Fish, if you see this, please post a comment. It would make me a little bit happier. φ


A few months ago I was hacking and glitching graalonline Era when SNK, the owner of Era dragged me to the middle of nowhere. He pretty much said that if I explained how I did these hacks and glitches he would give me a staff position. I thought to myself, "how strange... I bet he's lying". Of course he was. I emailed a fake file to him, and he instantly banned me the second I explained that I sent the email. He didn't even take the time to read it. He just banned me!!!
  This is another example of not to trust anybody. If you find a glitch, don't tell a soul. They will ALWAYS tell somebody else, who they think won't tell anyone, then that person will tell more people, and pretty soon it will be   all over graal, and everybody will know it. It's happened to me before, and I don't want it to happen to you.
  However, if some admin offers you a position, don't put it down first thing. Hear it through, and know who it is you're talking to. You might just get a position.
  In fact, I would love to become an administrator. I would love to help patch up glitches. But admins view me as a bad person, one who will stop at nothing to keep my glitches a secret. Well. They are wrong. The whole point of glitching is to get that feeling that you know more that the staff of the game, the very people who made it. And, with glitchers like me, they often do know more than staff do about glitches. I'm a white hat hacker. I would love to help anybody who has an adequate game to help them find bugs. But only if I am being appreciated. If any staff of graal are reading this (I'd be pretty happy if you get into the habit of checking in on it daily), then you should know that I would be pleased to help you with anything you want if you just asked me.
  Of course, some people's pride disappears when presented with a challenge like this. You won't ask me no matter what. And I can connect with things like that. I feel the same way when confronted with a challenge like that. But sometimes I decide that asking nicely would do the trick. It usually does. φ


 Since I've been banned for a long time, and probably have a long time to go, I have decided to work with the Era server. Most glitches that work on the classic server work on Era. The only difference is what actions are available. Such as being able to spar, you can't do that in Era. Therefore you can't go invisible. I have been working with the hour glitch for a pretty long time, and i have found that I am able to go offline, but not actually be offline. I can control my character, but whenever somebody views my profile they see that I am offline, and they can't message me. They get the popup that says that I'm offline if they try.
  Recently, I have made a account with Global War, which is an app that you can find in the app store. I don't see much opportunity for glitching on this game. Or hacking. All of the important files are stored on the server. And it's a text based game. And therefore the script is very simple. 
  I have been talking to a person I know, and they claim that i have quite a talent for finding glitches. He says that I would be one of the best people to work with windows to find glitches on their operating system. I believe him too. If you enjoy playing any games other than graal, and you would like to have a few glitches, just post it. I'll be everybody's exploiter. I can find glitches extremely easy. Just ask me. φ


This is getting boring- still banned. O well. Maybe i will come up with some things for era. I've been jailed so many times. My record jailing time is : For life, i got jailed for life on unholy nations. And on era i got jailed for a few hundred thousand hours.
 Any ways, if you have any questions feel free to post them.φ

Jan 15, 2011


Wow. This is much harder than I expected. I am still banned, but i got some of my swords uploaded and i tried to create a shield. My codes are not worth mentioning, as nobody would want to wear them unless they like a simple looking sword that flashes red and yellow. I feel good that i finally got something uploaded. I'm not sure if I'm still banned. φ BTW: the end mark that i use that is a φ is called phi. google it. It's a very cool number.


After about 12 days of being banned, i have decided that I will be IP banned for a month or longer. This would be my third time of being IP banned, and it gets pretty annoying trying to run a blog when I can't find anything new on this subject. I'll try to keep you posted. I came across Ellybelly a few weeks ago. He decided to unban HYPHY. But I already have a guild, called Kurupt. Anybody who wants HYPHY can have it. Kurupt is currently recruiting. It's hard creating a guild, so I would like anybody who sees my post to give me this code: ERROR. Whenever I hear this code I will invite you to my guild house to be interviewed.

I have also decided to create a guild rewards plan. Every few days I will have a code posted in this blog, on another page. You will get certain things if you are the first to give me the code. Click the above tab that says GUILD CODES to see the most recent code. Tell me the code as fast as you can, as there will be rules posted with the code that tells of what you have to do and who gets the reward.Φ

Jan 14, 2011


I just got some bad news- Ipepsi seemed to have posted my 8-bit jump hack on his blog for an hour. He had previously blackmailed me into giving it to him. He threatened that if he didn't get it, he would release my hour glitch to the world. That would suck. But know, free farming has been ruined. At least 700 people read his blog since he put it up, and it appears 20 people are actually using it.
This is one of those times when you wish you never met someone. From now on, I will accept messages from friends only. If you want to contact me, do it through the blog. Feel free to ask about my "friend" Ipepsi. He was chatting with me over Skype when he sent this message:
Hey I know your gonna be pissed, but I released the warp hack to my blog (not knowing how many people afghani visit it) and I removed it in 1 hour and my views went from 1100 to 1750 so I took it off. In like 10 minutes is how long it took for 1280 to visit my blog. Luckily only 3 of my closest friends have it. The rest used it to make their own and their much better. (their gani makers)
And then after I ask a little bit more about it:
Yeah, probably I should've released it. But it's only a game, and I wanted to get admins off their lazy asses.
I can understand some things. But this is for sure: don't trust anybody you haven't worked with for more than 500 hours. Thats my new rule. Please post any comments or questions you have.Φ


The beauty of this game is how buggy it is. It is not like some games, where the bugs are nuisances, they are normally very useful. The most basic glitch, the bomb slide, can be used to go through things. I know of a glitch that lets you add allies when your ally list is full. I owned HYPHY for a short amount of time, after Ellybelly disbanded it. I had 17 allies. Twenty or so people started to protest, and the guild was deleted and banned.
I find it ironic that most people who are considered the king of glitchers, come across the glitches by accident. Such as my hour glitch. When I first did it my hours went down to 0. I though that my account was reset. But then I found that it wasn't, and that I had done something to do that. The hard part was finding what I did. I'm not sure why this glitch works. I have accidentally gave myself an admin attack, each time I double tapped the sword button I would swing in a circle.
Then there are the less important glitches. The 4x gralat glitch was a big hit a few months ago. Now there is no reason to do it, and I am trying to make a black without using the glitch. There's all the ways of getting off map, which includes the 8-bit jump (there has been a leak in how to do this- several people figured it out. Help me ban them all!!!), all the old house jumps and guild house jumps. I have a GLITCH where I can ban people. This is similar to my hour glitch. And to my offline glitch, in which I appear offline in my profile but am really walking around.
I remember when i was just a noob. One time i did the green screen glitch. I was in NkA. Everybody was calling me a hacker. I didn't even realize what i was doing. Now, a thousand hours later, i finally figure out how to do it. Many common glitches I know. I know the furniture warp, the bomb slide, the invisibility glitch. There's not too many glitches that I don't know.Φ


HELLO, this is my first post on this blog. I am R0B0G3N3S1S, the creator of the hour glitch and the master hacker. I also know the 8-bit jump and greenscreen, but for those I cannot take credit for. There are a few things you should know about me before I get started. First, I will not teach any glitches that I have discovered. I may teach simple, well known glitches to people with more than 600 hours, if I trust them. With me, it's all about trust. You won't be able to blackmail me, lie to me, or tell others of glitches if you want anything to do with me. Second, I'm not a genius. I am just lucky. And I think logically. I always have the upper hand in trades, and I will keep my side of the deal if you do.
I am not a bad person. Just because I know of these things does not make me a black hat hacker. I would like to be helpful. But nobody ever asks me. So this blog will cover my findings in Graal. I will not explain any glitches in detail, such as how to do them. I will answer some questions about them though. If I feel that the question is designed to figure out how I did the glitch or hack I will not respond. And i am currently banned from Graal for an undetermined amount of time. I suspect that I have been banned for a month. I am not sure, but it is possible to ask staff to consider unbanning me. Until then, I can't meet you in game.Φ