
" Paradise on my right, Hell on my left, and the Angel of Death behind."

-Frank Herbert, DUNE.

May 20, 2011


Ok, Joey's hosting has been down for several days, and so I have decided that I should be hosting my own server for free (I hope).

I have a few obstacles I must overcome in order to do this. First, I have to find a good web hosting service. 50webs? Have any of  you faithful (and not so faithful) readers out there hosted your own website? Any opinions? If anybody is willing to do some additional research for me, that would be a hit.

 I could ask joey for his hosting source code, but I'm close to 100% sure that he wouldn't share it with me, for fear that I would make a better hosting site... Which makes me sad, because graal reborn was based of off open source code, but some of it requires using things like joey's hosting, which I do not believe is open source.

 After all of my hard work with iGraal, I have decided that it would just be easier to lay off for a while. Right now I'm super tired (it's midnight) and so I'm not thinking completely straight, so I'm going to post something that has a bit more relevance tomorrow.

Good night people!


I am looking for smart, talented, hard-working persons to hire for my Graal reborn server. If you have any special skills (gs1 scripting, levels, graphics, etc.), then you could help with creating a potentially Graal-saving server (though I admit it's not likely).

 If you are interested email me at haxis@lavabit.com with an example of your work, and anything else that you would want to tell me.

 Please see the page Labled HAXIS in the pages tab for more information on staff openings etc.


HEY EVERYBODY! I recently changed my blog color from green to blue, due to the ugliness of the color and the fact that blue is my favorite color. Hope everybody Likes it. Amazingly, my blog views are doing fine, with my absence and everything, although the amount of posted comments are nearly zip, which tells me that most of my visitors are on my blog because my page rank.

 I would be happy to answer any questions you happen to post. But please, DO NOT email me the questions. Everybody should be able to see them, and haxis@lavabit.com is only used for server related stuff. Anyways, when my blog reaches 10k views, I'll try to find a surprise for everybody! Not sure what it will be yet, but I'll be thinking about it.