
" Paradise on my right, Hell on my left, and the Angel of Death behind."

-Frank Herbert, DUNE.

May 22, 2011


GOD. I am starting to wonder why I even ask questions on this blog for you- the readers. It seems that I never get any answers, and when I do, it is a mediocre answer at the best.

 Anyways, I have configured my email for my server. I have two emails right now: haxis@lavabit.com, and fenix@lavabit.com. Haxis is the email for my server, and any emails sent to this server will be relayed to the email of ever other staff of haxis. Fenix is my personal email (omg, Phoenix is my real name! Go figure...). You can email me if you have anything personal. Otherwise, email haxis.

  To upload a hat/shield/sword, simply email an attachment with the subject "Upload Hat", "Upload Shield" or "Upload Sword" (please, post a comment which explains a better subject for each one of these, but I don't want "Shield Submission", cause that will take too long to type in and there will be too many typos).

 I'm still looking for staff members for haxis, if anybody is interested (nobody seems to be, but I will ask every post anyways) email me at haxis@lavabit.com.

 Omg, I'm watching the movie Wanted, and I got to the part where the main character kills his dad :( wtf is wrong with people... he should havve figured this out beforehand and kicked all of their asses!

UPDATE: I do not have fenix@lavabit.com. It appears it was taken, so just email me at haxis...


  1. hey I'll help you on your server I emailed you, lol same name, I've seen that movie too its pretty good

  2. ok... I'll check my email...
