
" Paradise on my right, Hell on my left, and the Angel of Death behind."

-Frank Herbert, DUNE.

May 29, 2011


Many people may not know this, but I used to run a dual boot on my computer (linux  and windows xp). Due to how Winblows sucked (and still does), I was forced to learn how to use linux.

 The thing about linux is it's the hacker's OS. It's completely open source, and you can do so much more stuff with it in terms of hacking than you can do with windows (or mac).

Anyways, for those of you who are true hackers (probably none of you are) here is a simple guide for setting up your ipod to hack. I was too lazy to make one myself, so go ahead. Indulge. And please, this is for Hackers, not crackers.φ