
" Paradise on my right, Hell on my left, and the Angel of Death behind."

-Frank Herbert, DUNE.

May 19, 2011


Summer... the thing that we all yearn for on a Thursday of particularly long weeks. And just a few more weeks and I will be out of school for the summer! You may not know what that means, so here's a shakedown: Sun (good ol' Sol), sunburns, swimming, tree climbing, and (wait for the suspense to burst your bladder...), Mucho graal hacks and productions from me going into hyperdrive!

 I have ADHD, so I need to constantly be working on something, otherwise I get bored easily. Especially while sitting in my house. This is where Graal comes to the frigging rescue: I am working on a server, and might (or might not) work on some iGraal hacks! I will also be looking for staff members for my server (let's see if we can actually create a successful Graal Reborn server...). I need LATs (Level Admin Team) and NATs (NPC Admin Team). Email me at haxis@lavabit.com if you are interested. /YOU MUST HAVE A PC/ to help with my server (sorry all of you iPod lubbers... no reborn RC client for the iPod).

 Ok, on another note, I've been thinking about making a Graal community centered around bugs/hacks for the original Graal and iGraal. I would need somebody to host it, and with my limited knowledge of HTML and [nonexistent] knowledge of CSS, I would appreciate anybody who wants to contribute time and know-how for this to actually happen.

 As for iPepsi, I think he's spazzing due to the lack of me sharing with him (for good reasons though... anybody remember my hour glitch? How about the gani warp?). I really don't care what he thinks about me. And just to answer the question that iPepsi asked in his blog "What has R0B0 done?", I say to you: Remove the larger speck from thy eye before removing the speck from your brothers. Really iPepsi? You seem like a hypocrite. I'm not going to be a total clit ring and explain how you haven't done much of anything for graal... I'm better than that. And you.