I went to Cart'm yesterday and found a Super Nintendo! These systems were the penticle of retro gaming, the transition between blocky pixel graphics to smooth, life-like prerendered graphics. This system included games such as Super Mario World, Super Mario All-Stars, Super Metroid, And The Legend of Zelda, Link to the Past (Which Graal is based off of). Unfortunatly, the console came in very bad condition, with so called "Candle wax" (it feels, smells, looks, and tastes like grape juice...) spilled in and on the console.
I have finally breached those super annoying security bits with melted pens and lighters (please leave a comment if you're wondering what I mean). I am now in the process of refurbishing the god damn thing. I bought it for $8, and I'm not about to let that go to waste.
If you want to play the real Graal, try Link to the Past.